Principal Investigator

Mark Sherwin
Office: Broida 4103
Office Phone: (805) 893-3774
Fax: (805)-893-4170
Email: sherwin[at]
Contact: Physics Department
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530
Research Staff

Nick Agladze
Principal Experimentalist
Office phone: (805) 893-7023
Email: nick[at]

Qile Wu
Office Phone: (805) 893-4707
Email: qile_wu[at]
Research: Theory of high-order sideband generation and other dynamical systems
Dave Enyeart
Emeritus FEL Engineer
Office Phone: (805) 893-3390
Email: david[at]
Gerald Ramian
Emeritus Research Scientist
Office Phone: (805) 893-4389
Email: ramian[at]
Post Doctorates

AntonĂn Sojka
Email: antonin_sojka[at]
Research: Design and construction of a novel frequency-agile, FEL-powered electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer
Graduate Students

Brad Price
Email: bdprice[at]
Research: Development of high field electron paramagnetic resonance instrumentation and techniques

Moonsuk Jang
Email: moonsuk[at]
Research: Investigating high-order sideband generation (HSG) in semiconductors

Alex Giovannone
Email: alexgiovannone[at]
Research: Investigating high-order sideband generation (HSG) in strongly correlated materials

Johanna Schubert
Email: johannaschubert[at]
Research: Time-resolved kinetic studies of proteins using high field electron paramagnetic resonance

Miranda Claypool
Email: claypool[at]
Research: Visiting graduate student from University of Oregon studying van der Waals materials with scanning electron microscopy and Electron ptychography
Undergraduate Students

Casey Bernd
Research: Automation and implementation of the new frequency-agile phase shifter module for FEL-powered magnetic resonance

Leila Elrgdawy
Research: Upgrading and prototyping the sample holder used for electron paramagnetic resonance at high magnetic fields and frequencies by implementing piezoelectric motors for fine tuning of both sample and rooftop mirror position

Leonardo Ramirez-Mireles
Research: Design and implementation of modular 3D-printed components for manipulation of high field EPR samples

Wei-Hsu (Wish) Lin
Research: Upgrade two-axis rotating sample holder used for orientation selective EPR
Research Mentorship Program

Angie Yao
Research: Design and implementation of a two cell sample holder for the HF-EPR spectrometer

Jeffrey Wang
Research: Design and implementation of a laser coupling mechanism for a new modular quasi-optical pulse slicer, which will create high-power programmable pulses for the EPR spectrometer